Author: Sansellive
•3:06 PM

International EstudentsPrade in San Antonio - Texas.


In the second parade was held Saturday April 25th, at where we had the opportunity to participate, as always IALS students were present and ready to go with others studentsInternational: France, Brazil, Livia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru , Colombia etc.

We who was happy to meet new people and share with them a few moments, tamoarnos pictures and talk a little about what we like, that day we found a fellow from Ecuador who belongs to the Exchange, International High School, and we are delighted to know we're not the only ones in this country.
Desfiles de Estudiantes Internacionales en San Antonio - Texas.

En el segundo desfile se llevo acabo el Sabado 25 de Abril en donde tuvimos la oportunidad de participar, como siempre los estudiante IALS estabamos presente y listo para acompañar al resto de los estudiantes Internacionales de: Francia,Brazil,Livia,Ecuador,Bolivia, Peru, Colombia etc.

Nosotros quienes estabamos contentos por conocer nuevas personas y compartir con ellos unos momentos, tamoarnos fotos y hablar un poco de lo que nos gusta, ese dia encontramos una compatriota de Ecuador que pertenece al grupo de Intercambio, High School Internacional, y nos alegramos mucho al saber que no somos los unicos en este pais.


Volunteer (Recycling)


After finishing the tour with the flags of the countries present here, I stay in practice hours by recycling, helping to select the organic waste, and inorganic, in order to keep track on the holiday that had been made at that time.

I was accompanied by Mariela Barba from Bolivia, and Gabriel , Fernando from Ecuador, we had also to make mask for children because it is a Texan tradition, and that in this country apénd give much attention to children and we are glad that in my case I have many nephews and I were treated and pleased encantariaque well as the children of those American communities.


Voluntariado (Reciclaje)


Despues de finalizar el recorrido con las Banderas de los Paises alli presente, me quede realizando horas practicas en reciclaje, ayudando a seleccionar los desechos organicos, e inorganitos, para que se lleve un control en las festividad que se habia realizado en ese momento.

Estuve acompanada de Marielita Barba de Bolivia y Gabrie, Fernando de Ecuador, tuvimos tambien que hacer mascara para los ninos ya que es una tradicion Texana, y apendimos que en este pais le dan muchas atenciones a los ninos y eso nos alegra, en mi caso tengo muchos sobrinos y me encantariaque fueran tratados y complacidos asi como los ninos de esas comunidades Norteamericana.

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