Author: Sansellive
•7:45 PM

IALS, Aniversary

On August 13 the IALS group celebrated one year living here in Texas. twelve month that was for us, we search our cultures, costums, foods, partys, birthdays, all of the things that we experienced in San Antonio Texas.

Also study in Palo Alto College ( Alamo College), Ecologic Tourism and Culture. We are haven a really great time with new friends and then with the teachers and coordinator.♣

IALS, Aniversario

El 13 de Agosto del presente ano el grupo IALS celebro su primer ano en Texas. Doce mese que fue para nosotros, compartimos nuestras culturas, costumbres, comida, fiestas cumpleanos, todas las cosas que experimentamos en San Antonio Texas.
Tambien estamos estudiando en Palo Alto College (Alamo College), Turismo Ecologico y Cultural. Tuvimos hermosos momentos con nuevos amigos, profesares, y la coordinadora.♣

Author: Sansellive
•6:41 PM
Volunteer at the Mission San F. de la Espada

The last 2 weeks were good experiences for me, because I did many things and learned so much about the history of American Indians at the Mission Espada. Every day was important for me and my partner Joel on this Mission.Together we worked hard to make some new translations cards English to Espanish, for Junior Ranger on the Mission.
Our friends Tom Catanos and Deva helped us with the information about the this Mission and then other things that we needed for to make some activitiy in the natural trail of Yanaguana.


Voluntariado en la Mission San F. de la Espada

Las dos ultimas semanas fueron muy buenas esperincias para mi, porque hice muchas cosas y aprendi muchisimo acerca de la historia de los Indios Americanos en la Misssion Espada. Todos los dias fuero importantes para mi y mi companero Joel esta Mission.Juntos tarbajamos duro para hacer traducciones nuevas targetas de Engles a Espanol,para los Junior Ranger en la Mission.
Nuertros amigos Tom y Deva nos ayudaron mucho con la informacion acerca de la Mission y en otras cosas importantes que nesecitamos para hacer algunas actividades en el Sendero Natural de la Yanaguana.

Mission Espada

Mission San Francisco de la Espada

Founded in 1690 as San Francisco de los Tejas near present-day Weches, Texas, this was the first mission in Texas. In 1731, the mission transferred to the San Antonio River area and renamed Mission San Francisco de la Espada. A friary was built in 1745, and the church was completed in 1756.

Following government policy, Franciscan missionaries sought to make life within mission communities closely resemble that of Spanish villages and Spanish culture. In order to become Spanish citizens and productive inhabitants, Native Americans learned vocational skills. As plows, farm implements, and gear for horses, oxen, and mules fell into disrepair, blacksmithing skills soon became indispensable. Weaving skills were needed to help clothe the inhabitants. As buildings became more elaborate, mission occupants learned masonry and carpentry skills under the direction of craftsmen contracted by the missionaries.

After secularization, these vocational skills proved beneficial to post-colonial growth of San Antonio. The legacy of these Native American artisans is still evident throughout the city of San Antonio today.

Go to Mission Concepción
Mission Concepción

Go to Mission San José
Mission San José

Go to Mission San Juan
Mission San Juan

Author: Sansellive
•7:06 PM

History of Ecuador - Independence.

Today August 10ht the Ecuadorians students of IALS Group we celebrated the Independence day of our love country.
We did a meet all Ecuadorian students and 2 friends, we did a B-Q (pic-nic) and enjoy all day until nigth, we had a really great time.

Historia del dia de la Independencia de Ecuador


Hoy 10 de Agosto Los Ecuatorianos estudiantes del grupo IALS celebramos el dia de la Independencia de nuestro amado pais .
Todos los estudiantes Ecuatorianos hicimos una reunion y 2 amigos mas, hicimos una parrillada y disfrutamos todo el dia hasta la noche, tuvimos un grandiosa momento tiempo.


The struggle for independence in the Quito Audiencia was part of amovement
throughout Spanish America led by criollos (persons of pureSpanish descentb
orn in the New World). The criollos resentment of the privileges enjoyed by th
epeninsulares was the fuel of revolution against colonial rule. The spark was
Napoleon's invasion of Spain, after which hedeposed King Ferdinand VII and,
in July 1808, placed hisbrother Joseph Bonaparte on the Spanish throne.

Shortly afterward, Spanish citizens, unhappy at the usurpation of thethrone by
the French,began organizing local juntas loyal to Ferdinand.A group of Quito's
leading citizens followed suit, and on August 10, 1809,hey seized power from the
local representatives of Joseph Bonaparte 4 inthe name of Ferdinand. Thus, this
early revolt against colonial rule(one of the first in Spanish America) was, para
do xically, anexpression ofloyalty to the Spanish king.

It quickly became apparent that Quito's criollo rebels lacked the antici 4 pated po
pular support for their cause. As loyalist troops approachedQuito, therefore, they
peacefully turned power back to the crownauthorities. Despite assurances again
streprisals, the returning Spanishauthorities (Bonaparte's men) proved to be mer
ciless with the rebels and,in the process offerreting out participants in the Quito re
volt, jailed andabused many innocent citizens.

They actions, in turn, bred popularresentment among Quiteños, who, after seve
ral days of streetfighting in August 1810, won an agreement to be governed by
a juntato bedominated by criollos, although with the president of theAudiencia of
Quito acting asits figurehead leader.