Author: Sansellive
•2:59 PM
Quininde Culture

Afro-Ecuadorian Music There are two distinctive elements to music on the north-west coast of Ecuador. The first lies in its West-African roots, the music being nearly the same as its original counterpart, using instruments such as the marimba (usually two marimbas are used), bombos, guasá, and conunos.

The second is the form of dance called Bambuco, which is also the name of the group we recorded in Esmeraldas wherein this dance originated. Another popular form of Afro-Ecuadorian music comes from the Chota people located in the Chota River Valley just north of Ibarra in the Imbabura province. They incorporate other instruments such as maracas and guitars to form their unique sound.

Quininde Cultura

Afroecuatorianas Música Hay dos elementos distintivos de la música en la costa noroeste de Ecuador. La primera reside en su West-raíces africanas, la música es casi lo mismo que su homólogo original, utilizando instrumentos como la marimba (por lo general se utilizan dos marimbas), bombos, guasa, y conunos.

La segunda es la forma de baile llamado Bambuco, que es también el nombre del grupo se registraron en Esmeraldas, en donde se originó este baile. Otra forma popular de la música afro-ecuatoriano viene de la gente del Chota, ubicado en el valle del río Chota, al norte de Ibarra en la provincia de Imbabura. Se incorporan otros instrumentos como las maracas y guitarras para formar su sonido único.

Afro-Ecuadorian music groups
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